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Preschool and Daycare with India’s Best Preschool Franchise!

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Entrepreneurship and therefore the entrepreneur is at the lore of what makes an enterprise succeed. Starting a business is easy. Sustaining it is an art.

If you have a burning desire to open a preschool and daycare of your own, then we have the skills, expertise, proven model, well defined system and real time experience to make a successful brand starting from scratch.

It doesn’t matter where you are in life right now. You may be a professional, field officer, manager or even a fresh graduate. The best part is that you don’t need a huge sum of money or a degree from a prestigious university or an experience in the field of industry & commerce.

All you need to have is an open mind to learn, desire to succeed and the willingness to work hard with business, ethics and integrity. Many people start business with full of hopes and dreams only to see them crash and burn and these were intelligent, hard working and passionate individuals, many of them with business degrees.

Why choose

The Best Preschool & Daycare Franchise in India

Exceptional Educational Approach

Kriyanza offers a unique and highly effective educational approach that focuses on holistic child development. Their curriculum combines play-based learning with hands-on activities, ensuring children receive a well-rounded education that promotes cognitive, physical, social, and emotional growth.

Comprehensive Support and Training

As a franchisee of Kriyanza, you can benefit from their extensive support and training programs. They provide comprehensive guidance on operations, curriculum implementation, marketing strategies, and staff training, ensuring you have the tools and knowledge to run a successful preschool and daycare center.

Established Brand and Reputation

Kriyanza is recognized as one of the best preschool and daycare providers in India, with a strong brand reputation. By choosing their franchise, you align yourself with a trusted and well-known name in the industry, giving you a competitive advantage in attracting parents and building trust within your community.

Cutting-Edge Facilities and Resources

Kriyanza is committed to providing the best learning environment for children. Their franchise package includes access to cutting-edge facilities, age-appropriate resources, educational materials, and modern technology. These resources enhance the overall experience for children and help foster their development effectively.

Strong Parental Involvement

Kriyanza places a high value on parental involvement in a child's education. They actively encourage parent-teacher collaboration, provide regular updates on a child's progress, and offer opportunities for parents to actively participate in school activities. This strong partnership between parents and the school creates a supportive and nurturing environment for children.

Lucrative Business Opportunity

Choosing a Kriyanza franchise is not just about providing quality education; it's also a lucrative business opportunity. The demand for high-quality preschool and daycare services in India is growing rapidly, and Kriyanza's established brand and proven success formula position their franchisees for long-term profitability and business growth.


Frequently Asked Questions

The right time to send a child to preschool can vary depending on individual circumstances and cultural norms. However, most children typically begin preschool between the ages of 2 and 4 years old.

Preschool education at Kriyanza, best preschool and daycare in India is important for several reasons, as it plays a crucial role in a child’s overall development and sets the foundation for future learning. Here are some key reasons why preschool education is important:

  • – Early Learning and School Readiness
  • – Cognitive Development
  • – Social and Emotional Development
  • – Language and Communication Skills
  • – Motor Skills and Coordination
  • – Independence and Self-Confidence
  • – Exposure to Diversity and Cultural Awareness
  • – Parental Involvement and Support

Determining the best preschool and daycare in India can be subjective and depend on individual preferences and needs. However, some of the common factors being provided by Kriyanza Preschool & Daycare that contribute to a high-quality preschool experiences are:

  • – Qualified and Caring Staff
  • – Developmentally Appropriate Curriculum
  • – Safe and Stimulating Environment
  • – Play-Based Learning Approach
  • – Individualized Attention
  • – Parent Involvement and Communication
  • – Health and Nutrition
  • – Positive Reviews and Reputation

Yes, at Kriyanza Preschool & Daycare, often promote unstructured/free play activities as an important part of early childhood education. Play is recognized as a vital component of a child’s development, fostering creativity, imagination, social skills, problem-solving abilities, and cognitive growth. We aim to create an environment that supports and encourages different types of play.

Here are some ways in which Kriyanza Preschool & Daycare promote unstructured/free play activities:

  • – Play Centers
  • – Outdoor Play
  • – Imaginative and Pretend Play
  • – Social Play

In addition to academic excellence, we at Kriyanza Preschool & Daycare focus on a variety of activities that promote holistic development in young children. These activities help foster social, emotional, physical, and creative skills. Here are some important areas of focus for a preschool, beyond academics:

  • – Social Skills and Emotional Development
  • – Physical Development and Gross Motor Skills
  • – Fine Motor Skills and Hand-Eye Coordination
  • – Creative Arts and Expression
  • – Language and Communication Development
  • – Cognitive and Problem-Solving Skills
  • – Nature and Environmental Awareness
  • – Cultural and Global Awareness

Get in touch with us!

Thank you for expressing interest in becoming a franchisee with Kriyanza, the best preschool and daycare franchise in India. 

By filling out this franchise enquiry form, you are taking the first step towards joining our esteemed network of successful educators and business owners. 

Join the Kriyanza Family!

The Best Preschool and School Franchise in India!

By becoming a Kriyanza franchisee partner it will allow you to pursue your dreams, achieve financial independence and lead extremely happy and rewarding propositions in life. This not only makes you confident in your chair but also gives you the satisfaction of being in this most prestigious service industry i.e., education.


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