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A Classic Revolution of a teacher during the pandemic

December 2, 2022

A Classic Revolution of a teacher during the pandemic

Pandemic has taught a lot to each one of us. Some of us have learned to cook while others have realized the value of family.The best part is we have all fought against the virus in the best possible way we could. We have evolved as individuals, learnt to adjust our unlimited wants with limited supplies and a lot more.

Overnight, the pandemic imposed a radical switch to remote teaching and learning that many hoped would be temporary. We soon learned, however, the school closings would last indefinitely as the country coped with the most severe worldwide public health crisis of our lifetimes complete with dramatic economic consequences. In order to continue to teach when contact was prohibited led to encouragement of online teaching which was a known concept then but not that readily accepted. In other words, pandemic and frequent closing down of schools in order to break the chain of contamination and avoid contacts has initiated a tech revolution in the education sector. 

Online learning became the need of the hour. For this the teachers had to shift from their conventional teaching styles to a totally new concept that demanded new skills. Classrooms no longer had colorful walls and windows, it rather became a screen. There was no physical attendance, only a zoom call bringing the dynamics of a classroom to each one’s address. 

Following is a list of challenges teachers have witnessed because of pandemic: 

  • It is easy to grab attention in physical classrooms as compared to online learning. Other issues involve discipline and punctuality .
  • Assignments are easy to give and assess in physical mode as compared to the new system.
  • For teachers who have been a part of the conventional system for a long period now, it was a challenge to learn new technologies and make use of it’s tools for recording attendance, generating report cards and other functions.

This is only an inclusive list and not an exhaustive one.

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