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Can online teaching be effective with preschool children

December 3, 2022

Can online teaching be effective with preschool children

The Noble CoronaVirus causes the government to announce lockdowns every time the wave reaches its peak. In the last few years we have seen a lot of uncertainties in our public life. We are locked down to ensure safety and to break the chain of contamination. 

The School system is no exception. In Fact it is the most vulnerable sector. As soon as the cases begin to rise, the government announces closing down of schools, especially preschools. This is because neither parents nor the government want to take any risk with their precious children. But the question is, ‘Is it fair to put preschoolers through online education?’

We humans are praised for our abilities to combat the challenges. When we saw a huge loss of studies due to lockdowns, we switched to a culture of online teaching and learning. We adopted resources that were totally contactless to continue with our curriculum. Adapting to this new tradition is an easy job for adults but preschoolers who are still trying to become a part of the learner’s society will face a little difficulty. Online classes demand young children to use technology to have an engaging learning experience.

Loss of motivation and a sense of self-discipline needed to study online are some of the major struggles that children face. A school classroom provides a structure and an environment of effective learning which learning at home lacks. This ensures a cycle for students struggling to finish their assignments, leading to a lack of motivation and lower goals for themselves.

In addition to that, a classroom and interaction with peers are very important in the school years. It provides students an environment for developing their social and communication skills. These skills are extremely important for ensuring social security of a preschooler. 

The impact of online classes can be a cause of concern for many parents. But with the right support system, these students can easily overcome the challenges posed by online learning. While the situation is very worrying, it is what the current situation calls for.

It seems to be a difficult task to reopen schools completely in the near future and pausing it due to the pandemic can also cause severe repercussions. Online classes have brought a sense of normalcy in these otherwise uncertain times and have given students a way to use their time productively. 

Online teaching has definitely relieved parents who were otherwise concerned about their child’s future. With the right use of technology and resources, we can definitely overcome the loss of education of preschoolers and secure their learning even during these trying times.

It is the need of the hour for parents and teachers to overcome the lacunas in the online teaching system by discovering new technologies and support systems because we can no longer afford the loss of schooling days. All of us have to come together to make the best use of technology for ensuring the best learning experience and holistic development of the younger ones.


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