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Give 10 tips to help your child remember things or develop memory

May 25, 2023

Give 10 tips to help your child remember things or develop memory

Childhood is all about learning new things and retaining them. For that, you need to have a strong memory. The ability to capture memories and recall knowledge as well as what they have learned will help them in all of their future endeavours.

Such experiences are very much required to build essential life skills. Memory building is very important both for classroom teaching as well as beyond the four walls of a classroom. It improves concentration and makes them focus-oriented.

Your kid’s brain is slowly developing, and they might remember things but might be forgetful. It’s your duty to help your child to remember things if they are being forgetful often.

There are many helpful ways through which you can help your child strengthen his memory:

Make learning exciting:

Learning something new is an inquisitive process for your child. He is eager and excited to learn something new, which he hasn’t done before. Give your child some space and time to grasp on what he is learning instead of continuously pressurizing him to memorize. As they learn and understand it they’ll remember it gradually.

Encourage reading:

Encourage your child to read more books; it can be both illustrative and non-illustrative. Start with books containing lots of pictures, it captures their attention easily and helps them memorize it. It will not only gear up for their intellectual development but also helps in boosting children’s memory power.

Memory games:

The best way to increase a child’s memory is by encouraging them to play memory games. Ask them questions while playing games. When you are out you can point out at something and ask, “What is it?” or show them pictures of your relatives and ask their names. Make it fun so that they enjoy and learn.

Talk to them:

Talk to them on a frequent basis and ask them about their day or “what did they do today”,” What did they eat”. A normal conversation involving their day-to-day tasks and whereabouts can help them remember things quickly.

You can ask them to visualize stories and tell it to you. Talk to them about their best moments and memories.

Ask them to teach you:

When your child is learning something new or a new activity ask them to teach you. Act as if you don’t know and tell them to teach you all the steps of what they have learnt and how they have learnt it.

For example, they are learning a new game or instrument, ask them to teach you by showing it. Ask them what all happened in their class. It enhances their practice and boosts their memory.


Practice makes a man perfect! When you practice something continuously or have a regular habit of doing something it sets in your mind and boosts your memory. Practicing different activities or reading regularly helps it.


Following a schedule or a routine has been known to be very beneficial. It brings your children in a proper routine and routines are always known to boost memory.

Ask them questions like “When would you like to eat”, “At what time you are likely to do your homework?” or “ At what time you would like to go to bed?”


Positive reinforcement is a great motivation for children to try harder. They like being appreciated and help them retain things in their memory. It encourages them to put more efforts into remembering things.

Encourage them to ask:

Get the details of everything they do and encourage them to ask questions wherever they get stuck. It encourages children to make a note of any doubts or queries they have regarding a particular topic or subject. It helps them to recall what has happened and thus remember things.

Don’t stress over it:

In case your child is facing difficulties in remembering something give them some time and help them to learn. It might take some time for their memory to be better. Don’t stress over it and avoid pressurizing them regarding the same. It might lower their confidence and they might have a fear to try anymore.

You can also use visual aids, which helps them retain their memory better. Using pictures alongside keywords can help to a greater length. Pictures get imprinted in a child’s mind much easier than words. Your words of encouragement and patience will help in boosting your child’s memory faster.


• The ability to capture memories and recall knowledge as well as what they have learnt will help children in all of their future endeavours. Such experiences are very much required to build essential life skills.

• Give your child some space and time to grasp on what he is learning instead of continuously pressurizing him to memorize. As they learn and understand it they’ll remember it gradually.

• The best way to increase a child’s memory is by encouraging them to play memory games. Ask them questions while playing games.

• Get the details of everything they do and encourage them to ask questions wherever they get stuck. It encourages children to make a note of any doubts or queries they have regarding a particular topic or subject.


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