How to help your child deal with uncomfortable emotions?
access_time9 months ago chat_bubble_outline No Comments folder_open Preschoolers
Emotions play a very important role in an individual’s day-to-day activities. It affects your behaviour and the way you look at and handle things. It can either create a positive effect or a negative one.
Dealing with uncomfortable emotions with a positive spirit is vital to bring optimism in your life. However, you learn this as you grow and experience the book called “Life”.
At a very small age, you should teach your kids the importance of emotions both positive and negative. You should help them deal with uncomfortable situations so that it doesn’t take a toll on them at such a young age.
If you teach your child to deal with their emotions now, then at a later stage in their life, they can face difficult situations with confidence and positivity. It reduces the chances of anxiety and shock or any sort of confusion.
Learning how to cope with different emotions should be encouraged. It enhances your child’s mental health and enhances their strength and ability to face what life throws at them.
Being mentally strong helps your child to control their emotions rather than letting their emotions control them. You should play an active role in creating a base for positive mental health.
A child who doesn’t know how to manage her emotions might prefer to be lonely sometimes or get aggressive out of nowhere or have sudden angry and teary outbursts.
It also might lead to avoiding situations because they are unable to and uncomfortable to confront their emotions.
Confronting and coping up with their emotions can make major behaviour modifications. They are more likely to perform better and be prepared. As a parent, you can help your child to deal with their emotions and have a positive outlook towards everything despite any problem.
Talk to them:
The first step towards any issue is communication. Talk to them about the importance of positive emotions and how sometimes they might be confronted with negative ones.
Explain the role of each emotion. Teach them to turn those negative emotions into optimistic ones. Let them know that they can come and talk to you about anything and that they shouldn’t be scared.
Importance of all emotions:
Highlight the importance of all the emotions especially frustration, sadness, and irritation. Let them know that it’s normal to have such emotions at times but it shouldn’t continue for a longer period of time.
As a parent make them aware that you are here for them to help. Such emotions play an important role in developing your child’s character and personality and keep them prepared for anything in the future.
Uncomfortable emotions arise due to situations, which your children are uncomfortable or afraid to face. Teach your child to take responsibility for the situation and face it with confidence. It shows that they can take control of their feelings and not let anything come in between what they aspire or want.
If they have misbehaved or done something wrong, then you should teach them the difference between the right and wrong. They shouldn’t blame it on others or try to justify it with excuses. They should own up to it.
Comfort zone:
Let them know that the world is not a bed of roses and will not function according to their will. Create an environment for them to come out of their comfort zone in order to face something new with confidence.
For example, if your child is uncomfortable to do a new activity encourage them to go and try it. Don’t force them, instead make them understand the importance of it.
Manage their emotions:
It’s important that your children learn how to manage their emotions. They should know that it’s not okay to hit someone when you are aggressive or blame someone else for their wrongdoings. It’s morally wrong. They shouldn’t use excuses to justify their behaviour or hurt someone.
It should be made clear to them that no matter what their ordeal is they shouldn’t hurt someone. Instead, they should calmly focus on their issue and come up with a solution.
Teach them to control their emotions. It’s not external circumstances or situations, which decide their emotions. They might have an effect on their mood but in the end, it’s an individual who decides to stay strong and take control of the situation.
Don’t suppress:
Don’t ask your child to suppress their emotions. In fact, create a safe space for them to let out all emotions and even cry. This way they can get rid of their emotions and know that it’s normal.
It also instils confidence in him or her that someone is there to listen. Letting out or channelizing your emotions in some way is necessary to prevent stress and tension. Ask them to talk about their feelings more often.
The best way to deal with uncomfortable emotions is to channelize it into something positive. Let them do some activities like drawing, painting or any other activity. It keeps them engaged and manage to calm themselves down and gives them time to think about everything.
Lastly dealing with emotions takes a lot of time. They are learning how to be strong and confident and hence you need to be patient with your little one. Gradually they’ll learn to understand.
Learning to have control over their emotions can lay the base for your child to tackle situations such as peer pressure or bullying. It empowers them to make healthy choices. Instilling confidence and good values will help build their character and turn them into a strong individual.
• Emotions play a very important role in an individual’s day-to-day activities. It affects your behaviour and the way you look at and handle things. It can either create a positive effect or a negative one.
• At a very small age, you should teach your kids the importance of emotions both positive and negative. You should help them deal with uncomfortable situations so that it doesn’t take a toll on them at a young age.
• Don’t ask your child to suppress their emotions. In fact, create a safe space for them to let out all emotions and even cry.
• The best way to deal with uncomfortable emotions is to channelize it into something positive.
• Explain the role of each emotion. Teach them to turn the negative emotions into optimistic ones.