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Importance of preschool in a child’s development

December 3, 2022

Importance of preschool in a child’s development

If you are an anxious parent whose child is all ready to start his schooling journey, it is advisable to research the importance of sending the child to preschool. Preschools are important for building the strong fundamentals of learning for a child on which his future will rest. Modern preschools are not just about academic development, they ensure holistic development of little kids.

Parents have become highly conscious while deciding on an ideal preschool for their child. They closely consider a number of factors such as activities, curriculum, class ratio and reviews of other parents. 

This is all because with changing times, we have all become more aware and have realized selecting the best preschool for a toddler is an equally important decision as selecting a university for graduation. Preschools lay the foundation on which the entire learning journey of a child rests and therefore it is imperative for parents to address the growing importance of preschools in a child’s early age development.

Read the list below to know why preschool is important and choose the best for your children.

  • Preschools introduce children to the stream of learning.

When you bring a child for the first time to a preschool, he is not just admitted to that preschool but to the society of learners. It is from here onwards that he starts exploring and building his potential. He is introduced to the academic curriculum and begins to shape his curiosity from this day onwards.

  •  He learns communication skills at Preschool

Preschool plays an important role in building strong communication skills in children. Children learn to have meaningful conversations with their peers as well as adults. They are taught salutations for adults and also respect for every age. 

  • Children learn a lot of non verbal skills

Besides communication, it is at preschool that children learn about maintaining good body language. It is important to have good manners right from preschool days because it becomes a habit for your later life. Hence, preschool is important for teaching etiquettes and manners to children.

  • Development of Early Literacy and Early Math skills

Academic growth, without an iota of doubt, is an important aspect that is shaped in the preschools. For the first time, a child learns about letters and their sounds. They learn numbers, measurements and estimates. 

A skill that starts to develop at preschool is taken forward in later life. Hence it is important to make the foundation strong so that the child does not face many hardships in future.

  • Builds curiosity and creativity

Preschools are important for motivating creativity in children. It is here that they learn with fun activities. Their exploring capacity is boosted and given the right direction. They learn to question and critically analyze whatever they are taught. Through this process they acquire skills that are going to make them strong leaders in later life. 

Creativity ensures mental wellness of children. In this fast moving world, it is important to keep children emotionally secure and this security comes from keeping them occupied in the right activities at preschools. 

  • Learns Independence

When a child is away from home at preschool, he learns to manage his tiny chores by himself. This is the beginning of making him independent and self-sufficient. Building this competency is a prerequisite for sustaining the present day cut throat competition. 

  • Learns Values for life

A child learns to work in a definite time frame at preschool for the first time. He is taught life enriching virtues like modesty and honesty through fun activities such as storytelling and role plays. 

A child’s holistic development involves comprehensive development of all skills and traits. This skill enhancement program starts right from preschool and hence it is important to have one for your child.

Your child’s future is bright if you are aware, so keep reading and expand your knowledge box!


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