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What are the benefits of drinking cumin (jeera) water during pregnancy?

May 25, 2023

What are the benefits of drinking cumin (jeera) water during pregnancy?

Cumin or jeera is one of the most common spices found in the country, which is known to have numerous benefits. Jeera is not only a flavouring agent but also used for medicinal purposes.

Scientifically speaking jeera or cumin contains thymol, which stimulates the pancreas to produce bile and other enzymes. Jeera is also known to improve your digestive system and trigger your salivation impulse.

It has extensive inflammatory properties and is rich in antioxidants. Jeera is known to have many benefits, especially for expectant mothers. It is believed to relieve stomach bloating, morning sickness and indigestion or constipation during pregnancy.

Hence pregnant women should consume jeera or drink jeera water during their period of pregnancy for additional benefits. It is usually advised to consume it in the form of jeera water as it may come out too strong if taken directly.

Some of the benefits of drinking jeera water during pregnancy are:

Stomach Cramps:

Stomach bloating is common during pregnancy and drinking jeera water relieves your stomach from getting bloated. Jeera provides digestive enzymes, which solves the problem of acidity and indigestion. It’s also a perfect remedy for abdominal pain and stomachache.


Drinking cumin water results in better digestion because of the digestive enzymes it produces. There’s an imbalance of acids during pregnancy and can cause gastritis. Hence it helps relieve such problems of indigestion. With the help of its anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces heartburn.

Blood pressure:

During pregnancy, you might witness a spike or fall in the blood pressure. Jeera produces the necessary electrolytes that stabilize your heart rate and hence your blood pressure. It improves your blood circulation and brings in a balance in your blood pressure, which in turn improves your fetus’s health.


It relieves all the common pregnancy discomfort such as weakness, fatigue and morning sickness. It provides you with the strength to tackle such discomfort.


Jeera is rich in antioxidants and dietary fibre, which improves the immune system and helps fight alien components and maintain your health. It’s high in vitamin A, C, E, which helps fight back harmful pathogens.

Gestational Diabetes:

Even though pregnant women might have never encountered diabetes they are still at risk of acquiring it during their pregnancy. Jeera has components, which increases the insulin level and creates a balance in the blood sugar. Jeera is a good source to prevent gestational diabetes.


Jeera is a natural energy booster and is an excellent source to replenish it. As it is rich in antioxidants, mineral and vitamins, it works towards your body’s full recovery. Fatigue and tiredness are common among pregnant women and jeera water rejuvenates their body. It helps them stay fresh.

Respiratory system:

Jeera acts as a decongestant and relieves your chest of any kind of mucus blockage and hence clearing out your respiratory tract. Breathing becomes easy and you are no longer prone to infections. It also prevents cough and cold.

Liver health:

Jeera is known to boost liver health due to its detoxification and antioxidant properties. It boosts the production of bile, which helps in the breakdown of complex substances and detoxification of any harmful components. It increases the metabolism levels of the body.


Anaemia is quite common among pregnant women, as they have to supply blood for themselves as well as their baby. In case a pregnant woman consumes food deficient in iron, there might be a lack of haemoglobin in the blood. Jeera water is rich in iron, which combats this problem and replenishes your blood supply.

Good skin:

Jeera water has amazing anti-inflammatory properties, which soothe the skin and provide you with healthy skin. The antioxidants present in it replace the dead skin cells with new and healthier ones.

Development of the baby:

By reading the above you might have gathered that cumin water is fruitful both for the mother and the baby. It extends a helping hand in the development and growth of the baby. It also helps the mother in the lactation process and milk formation in the mammary glands.

Jeera or cumin water has remarkable benefits especially for a pregnant woman and if taken regularly can help in the development and growth of the baby as well as maintain the good health of the mother.


• Jeera is not only a flavouring agent but also used for medicinal purposes. Scientifically speaking jeera or cumin contains thymol, which stimulates the pancreas to produce bile and other enzymes.

• It is believed to relieve stomach bloating, morning sickness and indigestion or constipation during pregnancy.

• It extends a helping hand in the development and growth of the baby. It also helps the mother in the lactation process and milk formation in the mammary glands.


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